You deserve the right voice, voiced the way you need it.

With a professional and inviting voice, Yvonne is ideal for your corporate and industrial narration, or eLearning projects. Her long history in technology sales and marketing makes that alphabet soup sound familiar!
Corporate Narration

My Story
As a corporate product marketing manager, I had the opportunity to do many on-camera product videos as well as countless webinars and seminars, many played to an encouraging and enthusiastic global audience. A StruxtureWare product Voice Over for my employer Schneider Electric, even won a 2013 Platinum Marcom Award!
A member of Toastmasters since 2002, and long a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), this has helped me develop a keen ear to listen to the voice of others in their speech and presentation delivery and to apply valuable critique and self-direction for improved performance.
I have a passion for my chosen profession and a committed desire to serve my clients with excellence so we can build long-term relationships!
My draw to voice over was sparked many years ago by opportunities to read out loud in school and then for a dear, blind friend who found my voice very soothing.